2nd RoBioinfo Seminar

18-20 April, 2018



The first EMBL-EBI Bioinformatics training in Romania (18-19 April 2018, Bucharest) was received with huge enthusiasm by the Romanian community! 71% of attendees rated it as Excellent and 23% as Good. Quotes from the feedback form: „The trainers were very good.” „Every part of the workshop was great, from the organization, to the venue, the information presented and the knowledge and professionalism of the trainers.”. Worst part of workshop: ”That it ended :)”, “too short”. 100% of attendees would recommend the courses to colleagues. 90% agreed that the organisation was excellent. Any other comments? “Great job, everyone! Can’t wait to attend your courses / workshops in the future! Thank you!”

Când și unde?
Programul trainingului și al workshopului. Download program in format PDF.
-> Ziua 1 – training
-> Ziua 2 – training
-> Ziua 3 – seminar
Taxă de participare la training și workshop.
Înregistrarea s-a încheiat în 6 martie.
Posterul evenimentului.
Ce este EMBL-EBI?

Când și unde?

18-20 aprilie. Sala 304, Institutul de Biochimie al Academiei Române (IBAR), Splaiul Independenței 296, București.

N.B.: We would like to point out that there are some road/bridge works right in front of our Institute and this might create some confusion on how to reach us. Hopefully this picture will help you with that. Please take a printed copy and consider a few more minutes to find the way. We will not mind if you are here earlier. Apologies for the inconvenience and thank you.

Programul trainingului și al workshopului
Versiunea detaliată a cursurilor poată fi accesată aici.
18 aprilie: (training EMBL-EBI)
Introducere în resursele bioinformatice oferite de EMBL-EBI.
Sequence search and alignment.
Time Subject Trainer
9:00 Registration
9:30 Introduction to EMBL-EBI resources and tools Andrew Cowley
11:00 Break
11:30 Sequence searching and alignment Andrew Cowley
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Sequence searching and alignment Andrew Cowley
15:30 Break
16:00 Sequence searching and alignment Andrew Cowley
18:00 End of day 1
19 aprilie: (training EMBL-EBI)
Training Ensembl.
Time Subject Trainer
8:50 Registration for newcomers
9:00 Ensembl genome browser Benjamin Moore
10:30 Break
11:00 Ensembl genome browser Benjamin Moore
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Ensembl genome browser Benjamin Moore
15:00 Break
15:30 Ensembl genome browser Benjamin Moore
17:00 Wrap-up and feedback Benjamin Moore
18:30 Dinner at ‘Ceaunu’ Crăpat’, Strada Thomas Masaryk 7, București 020983
20 aprilie
Comunicări științifice
Time Speaker Affiliation Talk title
8:50 Registration for newcomers
9:00 RSBI RSBI Welcome note
9:10 Andrei Petrescu IBAR, Romania Research at IBAR. Assisting Experiments with Structural Bioinformatics and Molecular Modeling.
9:35 Yang Li Groningen University, The Netherlands Understanding immune system using integrative multi-omics approaches
10:00 Vinod Kumar Groningen University, The Netherlands Population-based cohorts to disease-specific mechanisms: fungal sepsis as an example
10:25 Coffee Break
10:55 Rob terHorst Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, The Netherlands Intra-individual and inter-individual variation in immune responses
11:10 Dorina Podar Faculty of Biology and Geology, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania Conserved sequence in a metal transporter family: in search for an explanation for its position
11:25 Marius Mihasan Alexandru-Ioan Cuza University, Romania Molecular evolution and biotechnological applications of Paenarthrobacter nicotinovorans pAO1 megaplasmid
11:40 Irina Armean (webtalk) EMBL-EBI, Cambridge, UK Human DNA sequence variants: interpretation and implications for disease therapy
12:00 Lunch break
13:00 Darian Onchis West University Timisoara, Romania Detecting protein coding regions using a customised multi-scales splines construction
13:25 Marta Szachniuk European Centre for Bioinformatics and Genomics
Poznan University of Technology, Poland
RNA structure modeling as a bioinformatics challenge
13:50 Maciej Antczak European Centre for Bioinformatics and Genomics
Poznan University of Technology, Poland
How to recognize native-like RNA 3D models
14:05 Alexandra Moatar University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara, Romania Age dependent expression of microRNA-19a in mouse tissues
14:20 Anton Kulaga IBAR RNA-Seq pipelines for machine learning and comparative transcriptomics
14:35 Coffee break
15:05 Rob terHorst Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, The Netherlands My experience in science communication: blogs, music festivals and more
15:15 Roman Snytsar Microsoft Genomics Research, Seattle, USA Services available in Azure that are helpful for Bioinformatics and organisational barriers to cloud adoption
15:35 Bogdan Tudor Elta 90 Medical Reseach SRL / llumina Illumina technologies available in Romania
15:55 Short break
16:10 Talks about the RSBI community
17:00 Remarks and conclusions
24 aprilie, 11:30 am: Webinar
Introduction to IntAct – a Protein-Protein Interactions resource .
This webinar will cover:

  1. Introduction to protein interactions and networks
  2. Introduction to IntAct: how to search for, retrieve and utilise protein-protein interaction data
  3. Advanced searches and complex queries in IntAct
  4. Data Integration: PSICQUIC and IMEx resources
  5. Introduction to the Complex Portal – a unifying protein complex resource

The IntAct webinar webpage can be found here: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/training/events/2018/introduction-intact-protein-protein-interactions-resource
Registration link: https://attendee.gototraining.com/r/1426798145840544769
Training ID: 270-269-948
Materialele pentru webinar pot fi accesate aici.

Taxă de participare la training și workshop

Nu există. Institutul încearcă să acopere costurile meselor, și ale pauzelor de cafea. Deocamdată, cazarea va trebui acoperită de fiecare participant. Încercăm să găsim sponsorizări prin care să putem acoperi taxele de cazare – pentru mai multe detalii, urmăriți forumul.

Înregistrarea s-a încheiat la 6 martie.
Vă încurajăm să vă inregistrați pe forum, deoarece posibilitatea notificării automate atunci când există actualizări despre eveniment există doar în forum.
Ce este EMBL-EBI?

Institutul European de Bioinformatică (EMBL-EBI) este un institut de cercetare și centru de dezvoltare de resurse bioinformatice, parte a Laboratorului European de Biologie Moleculară (EMBL).

EMBL-EBI se află în Marea Britanie, în apropiere de Cambridge.

Resurse dezvoltate de EMBL-EBI:

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