3rd RoBioinfo Seminar: Next-Generation Sequencing Data Analysis

15-16 November, 2018


Organisers: RSBI (@RoBioinfo), Universitatea Politehnica Timișoara and West University of Timișoara

Where: the charming town of Timisoara

Preliminary dates: 15-16 November 2018

Participants: 10 MSc, Phd students and young scientists from Timisoara (10 places) and other main universities from Romania (up to 10 places). Once the program is finalized, up to 6  young participants from other East European countries will be invited.

A fundamental understanding of molecular biology  and basic knowledge of Linux, R and/ or Python are assumend. Prior to the event, resources on Unix, R and Python will be provided on the event webpage.

Proposed schedule & preliminary topics:
Day 1: NGS overview;  DNA-seq;
  1. General introduction on  sequencing with focus on long read sequencing
    • RSBI member and or external speaker
  2. DNA-seq methods: QC, assembly, annotation; mapping; variant calling; structural variants;
    • Speaker TDB
  3. Keynote session (DNA-Seq perspectives)
    • Speaker TDB
  4. SAMtools (possibly day 2)
    • Valeriu Ohan, Welcome Sanger Institute, UK
  • Dinner and wine tasting
Day 2: RNA-seq
  1. Bulk RNA sequencing analysis: quantifications; error models; analysis
    • Speaker TDB or RSBI member
  2. Single cell RNA Seq
    • Speaker TDB
  3. Keynote session (Single cell RNA-Seq)
    • Speaker TDB
  4. 1-2 talks from senior RSBI members on topics pertaining to RNA-Seq
  5. RNA-Seq perspectives
    • Speaker TBD
  • Visit and diner at Recas winery or Timisoara by night

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