Part of the project "Bioinformatics capability building - human genomics"
Online workshop
All times are Eastern European Time (EET)
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Organisers: RSBI ( and ELIXIR Norway (
Day 1 - 13 December 11.00- 13.30. Overview of the European infrastructures for bioinformatics - Large scale initiatives in human genomics
11.00 - 11.10 Introduction and brief overview of current initiatives led by RSBI
11.10 - 11.40 Overview of the European life science infrastructure for biological information
● Structure; Objectives; Main projects
● ELIXIR National Nodes. Their structure and impact.
Andrew Smith, Head of External Relations, ELIXIR
11.40 - 12.30 European projects for enabling secure access to human genomics
● The European Genomic Data Infrastructure
● Federated European Genome Archive
● Bottlenecks in deploying national instances
Kjell Petersen, Bergen University and Eivind Hovig, Oslo University from ELIXIR Norway
12.40 - 13.30 Bioinformatics workflows, data integration - the Galaxy platform
● The Norwegian instance of Galaxy
○ National instance vs European instance vs local instances
● Progress on the Galaxy Romanian instance.
Kjell Petersen, Bergen University and Alex Mizeranschi, Research and Development Station for Bovine, Arad
Day 2 - 14 December 11.00- 12.30. Boosting the secondary use of human genomics data - Discussions.
11.00 - 11.45 Legal Toolkit for human genomics research
● Consent Form for data federation - discussion; Discuss the Consent Form indevelopment.
● Responsibilities of a potential Romanian FEGA operator.
● Other documents in the public toolkit? Open discussion.
11.50 - 12.30 Communicating genomics to general practitioners and the public
● Discuss the type of information that should be passed to general practitioners and the public so that: 1) benefits of genomics are understood and 2) secondary use of genomics data is increased within strict ELSI requirements.
● Discuss the public engagement leaflets in development.
○ Eg. of topics: What are the risks that need to be communicated to the public? How many details about the research? How should data privacy be explained?