Initiative nationale de infrastructura
Initiative nationale de infrastructura
Platforme de date moleculare
Societatea Română de Bioinformatică este o comunitate științifică, fondată în 2019, care are ca scop dezvoltarea bioinformaticii în România.
Societate Română de Bioinformatică este o comunitate științifică care contribuie la dezvoltarea și creșterea impactului bioinformaticii și al biologiei computaționale în România, puncte cheie în progresul științelor vieții, medicinei de performanță, al agriculturii și al industriei bazate pe biotehnologii.
Copyright © 2022
Romanian Society of Bioinformatics
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❇️ The Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding - UEFISCDI under EEA and Norway Grants is thrilled to announce the Bioinformatics Horizons 2025 Conference! ❇️
This event aims to showcase Romania’s growing contributions to bioinformatics and #genomics, fostering collaboration and inspiring the next generation of researchers.
✨ Event Type: On-site conference
📌 Location: #Bucharest, Romania
📅 Conference dates: April 3 – 4, 2025.
📅 Pre-conference #workshop date: April 2, 2025.
🎓 Registration fee: free of charge within the limit of available places 🎓
🔎 To secure your spot in the Conference/Workshop, please fill in the registration form below:
There are limited spaces available to this event, therefore we ask participants to fill in this form no later than March 25, 2025!
❇️ More info here:
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📢 YMS #6 - Bioinformatics Trends in Academia vs Industry
Are you a #student interested in the role of #bioinformatics in academia and/or industry?
Join us for the sixth #YMS - Young Meets Senior Series, where we are honored to host Professor Andreas Bender as our guest speaker. He will share his insights on:
🔹 Opportunities & challenges from 20 years of analyzing chemical and biological data
🔹 Personal experience working in both academia and industry
🔹 Lessons learned along the way
🔹 Career path & motivation – what keeps him going!
Don't miss this chance to learn, ask questions, and exchange ideas!
🗓 Date: Wednesday, March 19
⏰ Time: 17:30 GMT+2
🔗 Join here:
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Check out #CRB 👉
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